A rich tapestry of wit, grit, and humor...Twenty-four-year old Phoebe Hawley is on a quest to find her family a home. On the road with two siblings, twelve-year-old Maydean and five-year-old Willie-Boy, Phoebe is out of money, out of gas, and out of patience. The only things she owns in abundance are backbone and pride--neither of which she can trade for food or gas.A collision with Gage Morgan puts Phoebe's mission in even worse jeopardy--until Phoebe discovers Gage owns the perfect place for her clan. However, she soon discovers that Gage is the unlikeliest man in the universe to offer a helping hand.Phoebe wields all the country smarts she owns to worm her way into Gage's heart, but nothing works. With time running against her family, she plies one last inducement--her scarce feminine wiles.Editorial Reviews:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Fun romanceBelievable characters with distinct personalities. Thought-provoking and snarky dialogue. - Top #1000 Vine Voice Reviewer⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I highly recommend this bookI loved this book. I want Phoebe to be my friend as well as Gage and the rest of the Hawleys. - Vine Voice Reviewer⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Downright amazing!"This wasn't just a great love story, with characters you get to know so well and feel so much for, it was an amazing work of art!! I was thoroughly impressed by the author's ability to really convey the realism with her use of language." - J.C. Lee (California) AVP⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A B.R.A.G. Medallion HonoreeWe are proud to announce that FINDING HOME by Jackie Weger is a B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree.