A power too terrible to control...In the wake of their terrifying escape from Fairhaven Hall, sisters Jess and Hannah Ballard find themselves on the run, pursued by the two most powerful groups in the history of the spirit world. On one side, the Durupinen, determined to capture the girls and prevent their role in an ancient prophecy that promises to destroy them and unleash the spirit hordes on the earth. On the other side, the Necromancers, ancient enemies of the Durupinen, hellbent on bringing the same prophecy to fruition. When the girls are betrayed and one of them falls into the Necromancers’ hands, both face decisions with cataclysmic consequences. Will the lure of power prove too great to resist, or will the bond between the sisters survive this last, most crucial of tests? Spirit Ascendancy: Book 3 of the Gateway Trilogy is the third of ten thrilling paranormal page-turners in "The World of the Gateway" series by E.E. Holmes.What Amazon readers are saying:★★★★★ 'One of THE BEST ghost themed paranormal books I've ever read!'★★★★★ 'Hauntingly thrilling.'★★★★★ 'A must-read for those interested in the paranormal.'★★★★★ 'Twilight combined with Harry Potter and then some!'★★★★★ 'Every turn of the page is like a new discovery.'★★★★★ 'A masterfully woven story.'★★★★★ 'Holmes has written a lovely series with something for everyone; humor, self reflection, loyalty, mystery, intrigue, action and so much more.'★★★★★ 'If you're into the paranormal, like ghosts, ghost hunting, ghost stories, crossing over, Gaelic folklore, dark secrets, plot twists that I didn't even see coming (and I am a writer myself!) and even a little magic, you should definitely read this book.'Experience the captivating paranormal series that obsessed readers have described as “unputdownable” and “spellbinding”. If you love ghost stories, with plenty of action and suspense, along with a tough and independent heroine you’ll want to stand up and cheer for, you will fall in love with this best-selling series… but proceed with caution: you’ll be up all night reading!